Artista colombiana nacida en Cali, 1952 . Estudios realizados: 1974 Bachelor of Fine Arts College of New Rochelle, New York 1977, Master of Fine Arts Pratt Institute, New York.
Alicia Barney ha trabajado con el paisaje y en el paisaje. Señalando básicamente sus propiedades dramáticas, su tragedia ante la depredación y la extinción. El Río Cauca, que tanto pintó Zamora fue motivo de su estudio conmovedor que evidenció su deterioro y condición moribunda. Yumbo, nuestra productiva zona industrial, tratada por Rendón, fue igualmente lugar de su proyecto sobre polución. Cierran esta muestra los paisajes muertos de Barney, ejemplificados por basura de playa (Bocagrande), hojas secas del bosque y elementos distintos en descomposición, como una materialización del arte del paisaje que no sólo va dirigido a nuestra vista, sino que apuesta agudamente a nuestra conciencia.
1995 Miguel Gonzáles
Texto a propósito “Comportamiento del paisaje VII festival internacional de arte de Cali”
Museo de arte moderno La Tertulia
About Alicia Barney's work
Álvaro Barrios | 1980
Alicia Barney: the Alternative Landscape
Miguel González | 1982
Álvaro Herazo | |1982
On the regional process of the bio-vanguard
José Hernán Aguilar | 1984
On the regional process of the auto-bio-vanguard
José Hernán Aguilar | 1985
About “Aves en el cielo" (Birds in the sky)
José Hernán Aguilar | 1993
Alicia Barney – Aves en el cielo (Birds in the sky)
María Teresa Guerrero | 1993
A Text Concerning the “Pulsiones” Exhibit at La Tertulia Museum
Miguel González | 1993
Text Concerning “The Behavior of the Landscape in the Seventh International Art Festival of Cali”
Miguel González | 1995
Carlos Jiménez | 1999
A conversation with Alicia Barney Caldas
Revista Errata #10 | 2014
María Belén Sáez de Ibarra | 2014
Lucas Ospina | 2014
Carmen María Jaramillo | 2016
The Phylogenesis of Generosity
Gina McDaniel Tarver | 2017
Alicia Barney Caldas’ poietics
Lars Bang Larsen | 2018
Transparency and Ecocritical Art: Seeing Art
History through (to) Alicia Barney’s Yumbo
Gina McDaniel Tarver | 2020
Carlos Jiménez, Cali, 1999
Alicia Barney’s installation, enigmatically titled El sujeto como tal [The Subject as It Is], is an excellent display of the of the aggressive, provocative disposition that becomes more and more evident in the work of this artist. In this piece she moves away from the pressing ecological concerns, to immerse herself in cultural criticism. Specifically, concerning so-called collective imaginaries, composed of representation and recurrent iconographic motifs which appear among entire strata of society. It seems that what interests Alicia Barney the most are things marked by their banality.
Banality, however, points in many directions, which go far beyond the supposed or real candor of children’s toys or the insignificance of costume jewelry or Christmas ornaments. Hannah Arendt, who had a deep knowledge of horror through her experience of Nazism, denounced “the banality of evil” as one of its features. And it is precisely this double-terribleness that Alicia Barney has put into action in her installation in the Sixth Art Biennial of Bogota at the Museum of Modern Art. In its four corners were four powerful columns of red silk. Above them, as if forming a spider of Venetian glass tears, hung one hundred filaments with hypodermic needles. Below them was a large container with glass boxes full of broken crystals floating on liters and liters of blood. The blood became rotten and full of maggots and the stench was unbearable throughout the Museum. It became so bad that the directors threw out the blood and closed the installation. Impressive and revealing.